Thursday, September 5, 2013

Daycare Drama

Its been five days since we sent Nuha to the daycare and instead of getting better, its going down south. She started off being super excited and even crying when it was time to leave, to crying her little eyeballs out when its time for me to leave and go to work. It is heart wrenching for any mother to leave her crying sobbing little baby as she reaches her tiny fingers out the grill trying her best to grab onto her mother. I very nearly texted my boss right then and there to tell her I quit. Thank god for a very understanding daycare whose teachers try very hard to make Nuha feel comforted. It isnt easy for them either coz my kid has the voice of a banshee (I say this with tremendous love) and often, her cries sets off a series of screams from kids and babies who were just minutes ago happily going about their day. 

I have the bad habit of calling an texting Nuha's principal every 2 hours. She has been very patient with me so far and answers my texts when she can n return my calls when she is free. But tell me how do I concentrate in a two hour long meeting when my "She crying bad today?" Is she ok?" text gets a "Yes, really bad n screaming away. Only wanted to b carried by myself or my maid. Put her down, she screamed. Just managed to put her to down for a nap". I wanted to get in my car and drive the 8 minutes to get to her school soooo baddd!! 

Thankfully, she told me that Nuha had just woken up and was happily eating her porridge lunch when I called after the meeting. When will this end!!?!? 

Nuha has been very clingy and insecure since we started sending her to the school. I think she feels sad, like we abandoned her for a long part of the day. The fact that I was home with her for two months before makes it even harder. From being 'sick of seeing mama's face every second of the day' to 'no mama for 9 hours'. 

I cannot wait for her to setttle down coz really its a great centre. I really hope she settles in soon so mama can stop worrying about her so much at my new work place which is less then great. But that is a whole other topic :) 

Have a great day mommies and pls share your experience in leaving your kids at daycare centres and how u kept from going insane and/or quitting your job.

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