Sunday, September 8, 2013

Digestive System

My kid turned over at three months old and two months later she was crawling like a fat baby caterpillar. Then at ten months, she got her legs and could not wait to began exploring the nook and crannies of the world. At first I was ecstatic at the concept of my baby, the same one who popped out out my belly all pink and helpless- could now walk. And then there was the glow. The proud glow I wore when complete strangers wore looks of admiring astonishment that my child, my ten month old was walking while theirs looked forlornly from their strollers or on their backs. Oh how proud I was. Till reality set in. A crawling baby meant there could be nothing on the floor, digestible or otherwise. A walking baby meant there could be nothing- period! If I could get a ringgit for everytime I found her with stuff in her mouth, I would have been a millionaire last month. I have found her with all sorts of stuff in her mouth including baba's futsal shoes, a coin, a piece of peeling wall paint, mama's slippers, a torn off piece from a very very thick cardboard book, a monkeys head, a dust bunny, a cili padi, a glob of my lip balm, onion skin, carpet lint and a whole lot more.Yesterday I found a shiny piece of bead in her poo. Now before you go all haughty and judge me, tell me this- do YOU have a kid? If you do and have found none of those I listed above in your child's mouth then congratulations. You clearly have a maid and/or an angel standing by your child. 

Despite her tiny size, Nuha, like her mum, loves to munch. I send her to her daycare every morning on my way to work. In order to keep her from screaming I need to feed her all sorts of stuff. I keep at least three types of food for her in my handbag. You see, she gets bored easily. So I need to play with all sorts of textures to keep her interested. First, to get her to stay quiet so I can get her buckled up the carseat, I slip her two mini smarties so she will quit wiggling about and I can snap her straps. Again- no judging please. After the magical effects of the smarties wears off I give her a cup (a kid cup to apparently prevent spills) of whole wheat cheerios (feel free to praise me on whole wheat). By the time she gets board of cheerios and by now there are enough cheerios on the seat the feed an army of hamsters (stupid cup), I pull out the ever so expensive yoghurt buttons. She nibbles on ALOT of these and doesnt usually gets bored. But I will normally stop her (money doesnt grow on trees ok baby?) and give her a rice cake with fruit. All these food- for the 25 minute ride to school. 

And for mama? Well you dont expect me to throw out the whole wheat cheerios she threw around now do you??

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